
I’ve been meaning for a while to put together a bibliography of the sources I’ve used for writing my books. I know that a lot of my readers enjoy learning more about the campaigns after reading the novels and I hope this will be helpful to them. It will also be helpful to me if I need to revisit anything.

This is not a formal academic bibliography, so I’ve not necessarily used academic citations, but have tried to make it as easy as possible to find the sources. Where possible, I’ve included a link either to Amazon or to the source itself if it’s available online. This is an ongoing project and I’ll be adding to it regularly. If anybody is aware of a book or a source which they think might be of interest, please e-mail or message me with the details.

Author Title Pub date Which books used for
Alexander, Caroline The Bounty 2003 The Manxman series, for general navy background.
Anonymous Journal of a Soldier of the Seventy-First Regiment 1822 The Peninsular War Saga
Army Records Society At Wellington’s Right Hand: the letters of Lt-Colonel Sir Alexander Gordon 1808-1815   The Peninsular War Saga
Beatson, F C Wellington and the Pyrenees Campaign: Vol 1 From Vitoria to the Bidassoa 1914 An Indomitable Brigade
Blake, Nicholas Steering to Glory: a day in the life of a ship of the line 2005 The Manxman series
Bond, Gordon The Grand Expedition: the British invasion of Holland in 1809 1979 This Blighted Expedition
Brunet, Prades and Zar 1811: El setge de Tarragona   This Bloody Shore ( This is a children’s comic book in Spanish but proved very useful for maps and general details of the town in 1811)
Card, Tim Eton Established: a history from 1440 to 1860 2001 Eton Mess (short story)
Cardoza, Thomas Intrepid Women: Cantinieres and Vivandieres of the French Army 2010 This Bloody Shore and An Indomitable Brigade
Codrington Memoir of the Life of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington (2 volumes) 1873 This Blighted Expedition

This Bloody Shore

Crumplin, Michael Men of Steel: Surgery in the Napoleonic Wars   The Peninsular War Saga and the Manxman Series
Cust, Lionel A History of Eton College 1899 Eton Mess (short story)
Divall, Carole Wellington and the Vitoria Campaign 1813 2021 An Indomitable Brigade
Elting, John R Swords around a Throne 1997 This Bloody Shore

An Indomitable Brigade

Esdaile, Charles Women in the Peninsular War 2014 The Peninsular War Saga
Fletcher, Ian Vittoria 1813 1998 An Indomitable Brigade
Holmes, Richard Redcoat 2001 The Peninsular War Saga
Howard, Martin R Walcheren 1809: the scandalous destruction of a British army 2012 This Blighted Expedition
Griffith, Robert Riflemen: The History of the 5th Battalion, 60th (Royal American) Regiment – 1797-1818 2019 The Peninsular War Saga
King, Dean Every Man Will do his Duty 1997 This Bloody Shore
Lemmings, David Crime, Courtrooms and the Public Sphere in Britain 1700-1850   General background about legal matters
Lemmings, David Professors of the Law: barristers and legal culture in the eighteenth century 2000 General background about barristers and legal matters
Limm, Andrew Walcheren to Waterloo: the British army in the Low Countries during the French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars 1793-1815 2018 This Blighted Expedition
Lipscombe, Nick the Peninsular War Atlas   The Peninsular War Saga
Lipscombe, Nick Wellington’s Eastern Front 2016 This Bloody Shore
McGrigor, Sir James The Scalpel and the Sword 2000 The Peninsular War Saga
Maughan, A M Young Pitt (fiction) 1974 Some issues with the history, but good for getting a sense of the period politically
Maughan, A M The King’s Malady (fiction) 1978 Some issues with the history, but good for getting a sense of the period politically
Midgley, Graham University Life in Eighteenth Century Oxford 1996 Background reading for Paul and Carl
Munch-Petersen, Thomas Defying Napoleon: how Britain bombarded Copenhagen and seized the Danish fleet in 1807 2007 An Unwilling Alliance
Nixon, Cheryl L The Orphan in Eighteenth-Century Law and Literature 2011 This Bloody Shore
Oman, Sir Charles Atlas of the Peninsular War   All books
Oman, Sir Charles History of the Peninsular War (7 volumes) 1922 All books
Payne, Reider War and Diplomacy in the Napoleonic Era 2019 Peninsular War Saga
Pope, Dudley Life in Nelson’s Navy 1997 The Manxman series
Popham, Hugh A Damned Cunning Fellow: the eventful life of Rear-Admiral Sir Home Popham KCB, KCH, KM, FRS 1762-1820 1991 An Unwilling Alliance

This Blighted Expedition

An Unmerciful Incursion

Rodger, N A M The Wooden World: an anatomy of the Georgian navy 1988 The Manxman series
Runnebaum, Julius General Graf Carl von Alten: ein Soldat Europas 1964 The Peninsular War Saga
Reiter, Jacqueline The Late Lord: the life of John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham 2017 This Blighted Expedition
Salas, D J D El Sitio de Tarragona 1882 This Bloody Shore
Schaumann, August On the Road with Wellington 1924 An Indomitable Brigade
Wareham, Tom The Star Captains: Frigate Command in the Napoleonic Wars 2001 The Manxman series
Wheeler, William The Letters of Private Wheeler 1809-1828 1951 The Peninsular War Saga and This Blighted Expedition.
Willis, Sam Fighting at Sea in the Eighteenth Century: the art of sailing warfare 2008 The Manxman series



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