Books by Lynn Bryant

Click here to find a list of all the books by Lynn Bryant, with reviews, information and background details about the settings and the characters.

An Unconventional Officer - love and war in Wellington’s armyAn Unconventional Officer

Peninsular War Saga Book 1







An Unwilling Alliance

The Manxman Book 1 and Peninsular War Saga Book 1.5







This Blighted Expedition

The Manxman Book 2







An Irregular RegimentAn Irregular Regiment

Peninsular War Saga Book 2







An Uncommon Campaign, 110th at the Battle of Fuentes d'OnoroAn Uncommon Campaign

Peninsular War Saga Book 3









This Bloody Shore

The Manxman Book 3







A Redoubtable Citadel

Peninsular War Saga Book 4







An Untrustworthy Army

Peninsular War Saga Book 5







An Unmerciful Incursion

Peninsular War Saga Book 6








An Indomitable Brigade

Peninsular War Saga Book 7







An Unattainable Stronghold

Peninsular War Saga Book 8






A Regrettable Reputation

The Regency Romances, Book 1







The Reluctant Debutante

The Regency Romances Book 2







A Marcher Lord - a story of the Anglo-Scottish bordersA Marcher Lord







A Respectable WomanA Respectable Woman